Board of Directors

We are grateful for the many hours of service provided by our dedicated Board of Directors at Cornerstone Theatre Arts. They are responsible for managing the logistical operations of our theatre, including financial, legal, and policy-making functions that are essential for us to bring you quality theatrical entertainment, season after season. Without them, we simply could not do what we do! 

Joe Betro​, President

Drew Smith & Mal Stewart, Vice Presidents

Cherie Gluckman, Dr. Jean Hudson, Dolores Roberts & Gerry Hluchan, Members

Mission Statement

Cornerstone Theater Arts is committed to producing high quality plays of historical, cultural, social, and educational significance. Our premium efforts are designed to engage audiences and explore the power of the living theater. We are also dedicated to producing and celebrating the works of William Shakespeare for audiences of all ages and offering theater workshops for all artists. We are dedicated to enriching the cultural and artistic fabric of our region and to the promotion of theater arts education.