The Teen Drama Workshop is designed for the 12-17 year old student with an interest in Acting. Whether the student is just starting out or has performed before, the workshop provides individual and group instruction that folds together several techniques and principles of the craft in a practical way that is fitted to each student actor’s needs. The workshop is geared in understanding the proper “approach” towards performance. The week culminates in a showcase of scenes and one-act plays for public performance.
Ken Tschan, M.A. Theatre
*Founder/Director Cornerstone Theatre Arts, Inc.
*Recipient of Orange County Arts Council’s Arts-In-Education Award.
*Recipient Orange County Citizens Foundation Seligmann Arts Award
*Published and Produced Playwright.
*M.A. Theatre: Regent University.
Instructed by Ken Tschan
Assisted by CTA Performers/Directors
August 5 - 9, 2024
Monday thru Friday 9AM-3PM
Performance 7PM Friday
$385 per student per week
Includes daily lunch & CTA T-shirt
(Workshop is Limited to 12 Student/Actors)
Held at The Goshen Music Hall (49 seat A/C space)
223 Main Street Goshen, New York
Call to reserve: (845) 294-4188
Teen Drama Workshop
223 Main Street
Goshen, NY 10924
Phone: (845) 294-4188
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